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Salvation by Grace

 Grace is an unmerited favour

The dying and perishing world had no strength or ability to rescue and save herself, destruction and doom was staring on her face, She have offended and disregard the only one that have the power and means to rescue and save her, so all hope was lost.

BUT GRACE STEPED IN! (For by grace are we saved)

Grace, as it is defined, described, and illustrated in the bible, has four distinct characteristics. Grace is not a passion or desire, in the heart of God to save sinners. Grace is an attribute of God and the work of God by which he accomplishes the salvation of his people. As such, it has certain characteristics. Any view of grace that violates any of these characteristics is heretical. Grace is eternal (II Tim. 1:9), immutable (Rom. 11:29), sovereign (Rom. 9:11-24), and effectual (Eph. 2:8-9), Hebrews 4:16

Salvation by grace destroys all room for human boasting (I Cor. 1:29-31; 4:7). The only difference between saved sinners and lost sinners is the grace of God. Not even the repentance and faith by which we come to God is produced by us. These things are the gifts and operations of grace in us (Acts 5:31; 11:17; Rom. 2:4; I Cor. 3:5; Eph. 1:19; Phil. 1:29; Col. 2:12).

Salvation by grace means that God gets all the praise, honour, and glory for it: He planned it, He purchased it, He performed it (Eph. 1:2-14).

Any mixture of works with grace is a total denial of grace and is damning to all who embrace it (Rom. 11:6; Gal. 5:2, 4). Grace plus anything you do, feel, experience, or will to do is not salvation but damnation.

  • Salvation by Grace by through Faith:- We are not saved because of the work we did, or work of the law, but we are saved by grace unto good work to walk in obedience to God’s guidance

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